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1907 First US Conventions
Pittsburgh & Chicago
Revised December 9, 2022


First US Conventions Ever Held
(Pennsylvania & Illinois)

Possibly, the first list below is ONLY for Pittsburgh, PA. [Chicago is over 450 miles from Pittsburgh.]
Although it is titled: "1907 Pittsburg & Chicago U.S. Conventions"

Below this first list is a typed copy of a handwritten list titled:
"Workers at Chicago Oct. 1907 About 65 at conv. 38 workers, 27 saints"

Geo. Beattie
Tom Grooms

Alex Wadell [Waddell]
Tom McLucas

Frank Scott
John Mortimer

Tom Noble
Wm. Collison [Collins]

Wm. Weir
Frank Wilkie

John Burns
Alfie McGowan [Magowan]

Jas. Jardine
Geo. Roszell

Geo. Manning
Chas. Hughes

John Patterson
Wilfords Edwards

Alex Dougal
John Manghan

A. Myers
Geo. Longest

Colin McBernie
Harry Goodwin

Matt Wilson
Letitia Wilson

Dave Christy
Andrew Ramsey

Wm. Clelland
Tom Clark

Chas. Glenn
Chas. Mathews

Dave Lyness
Sam Boyd

Robt. Humphrey
Tom George

Wm. Jones [Frank?]
Joe Shroyer

Alex Dunn
Alex Rannie [Rennie]

Wm. Edwards
John Halb

Robt. Skerritt
John Cross

John Freeman
John Byers

Hugh Matthews
Faring Hawkins

Colin Smith
Henry Grishan

Jean Weir
Sara McElrea

Maggie Stewart
Mayme Wormer?

Anna Davis
Emily Wilson

Annie Edwards
F. Sweet

Ida Batten
L. Blair

Lottie Reed
Eliza Batten

Lizzie McCullogh
Annie Carson

Maggie Patten [probably Patton]
Ida Hawkins

Regina Smith
Idabel Morris

Mattie McGivern
May Tannehill?

Aggie Hutchison
A. Barton

Annie Skerritt
Maggie McKinley

Sara Rogers
Annie Allen

Kate Allen
Minnie Pearson

Annie Glenny
A. Nielson
[80 Total Workers; 49 men; 31 women including 1 married pair]

Workers at Chicago Oct. 1907
About 65 at conv. - 38 workers, 27 saints

Sarah Rogers
May Carroll
Annie Skerritt
Lottie Reid
Maggie Gowans
Sara McCune
Minnie Womer
Rebecca Elliott
Mrs. Letitia Wilson
Jennie Weir
Emma Lawrence
Rose Lurch = 12 Sisters

Wm Irvine
Geo. Walker
Jack Carroll
Willie Edwards
Matt Wilson
Willie Weir
John Byers
John Truman
John Cross
Edd Halb
Chas. Matthews
Herbert Reid
Collin Smith
Frank Wilke
Charlie Glenn
Tom Noble
Jack Holb
Henry Grisham
Hugh Matthews
Bob Skerritt
Brank Jones
Willie Collins
Farring Hawkins = 23 Brothers

[Total listed = 35 (3 missing from total given in list title) ]

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Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the Truth?
Galatians 4:16

"Condemnation without Investigation is Ignorance."
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